Democratic consultation method


What is that ?

Democratic consultation GETHERplan is a support service for urban project consultation that uses a digital tool. It makes it possible to make operational, fair and equitable the treatment of the diversified proposals coming from the population during the development phase of the project.

For who ?

The GETHERplan consultation offers a fair and operational project framework and method to urban project owners or managers : public authorities or institutions, real estate funds, investment foundations, insurance companies, pension funds, real estate developers, asset managers, real estate developers or project managers.

“Based on democratic principles,

the GETHERplan consultation method makes it possible to co-design fair, just in the sense of fairness. »

Sandrine Damour, Founder of GETHERplan

How are we unique?

The GETHERplan method is distinguished from other consultation processes by its ability to produce resultsoperational for professionals on the basis of proposals directly from the population thanks to a controlled framework andtoolsadapted to the exchange and the search for compromise.

Satisfying all the parties involved, the GETHERplan consultation support service provides assurance of adherence to the project.

She allows todeal with proposals from a large number of concerted people.

What is the advantage of the method?

She supports ESG criteria project leaders: it offers a governance equitable participation in the project and contributes to reducing environmental impacts.

By anticipating the risks of dissatisfaction with an exemplary method in terms of citizen listening and fairnessin the governance of the project, the democratic consultation method GETHERplan makes it possible to legitimize your projects.

It significantly reduces the risk of loss of annual return and the variable costs inherent in objections and appeals: itmaximize the return on your real estate investments.

The advantages of the GETHERplan consultation

The integration of citizens in the process of co-construction of the urban project.

The collaborative framework and tools limit non-constructive opposition.

Legitimize your project through the implemented method and its democratic principles.

Optimization of consultation time, project design and construction deadlines

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