Neighborhood design is responsible for 30% of carbon emissions*.
The urgency to build the sustainable city must be modeled around processes and methods allowing the citizen and each of the parties involved (public authority, project leader, designer, technical office) to co-build our neighborhoods together in a fair and equitable way!
Act on the design of your neighborhoods by actively participating in GETHERplan consultations!
*Carbon footprint of the French and orders of magnitude of the impactsdirect that the district can have - source BBCA
Sandrine Damour
Founder of GETHERplan
URBAN Perspective office has developed a method of democratic consultation of the urban project allowing citizens to co-construct neighborhood projects with the stakeholders. The method uses a suitable technological tool.
It allows you to act on the development of your living environment and contribute at your level to sustainable development.
By co-constructing with GETHERplan, you can put forward your ideas and your convictions to act directly on the climate and your quality of life.
Consultation tools allow citizens to use the same means of expression as professionals in order to avoid any interpretation that does not conform to their initial wishes.
Consultation is based on democratic principles and allows the creation, modification and visualization of proposals in order to facilitate the exchanges necessary for the search for compromises.
Citizen intelligence to collaborate and find compromises increases the integration of their proposal.
The analysis of the consultation is carried out neither by the project leader nor by the designer, making it possible to guarantee the impartiality of the results.
« Un grand bravo pour ce concept pour permettant aux habitants de participer et s'approprier la problématique. Je suis bluffé par l'outil qui sera utile lors de démarches participatives pour les PLQ. »
« Je vous adresse nos plus sincères remerciements pour cette magnifique journée autour de la découverte et la participation sur le quartier. L'organisation a du être très lourde! Nous y avons pris beaucoup de plaisir, y compris nos enfants. »
« Je tenais à partager que j'ai trouvé l'organisation de samedi impressionnant tant sur le fond que sur la forme. Comme je disais à Dominique " C'est un coup de Maitre".
Sur les choses qui m'ont particulièrement interpellés c'est la création du quartier de l'Avenir. C'est impressionnant à quelle vitesse les habitants se sont approprié les éléments pour créer leur scénario. La visualisation est aussi un super outil d’échanges. »
« Citizens involvement in the process of designing their habitat and daily playground is crucial in creating a sustainable environment for this and the futures generations. »